Home Support

In Home Support

At Computer Confident our aim is to help you, and we think that one of the best ways for people to learn is in the comfort of their own homes. That’s why we come to you, answering your questions with you while you’re on your computer.
At Computer Confident there is ‘no question too small’.
We also offer weekly in-home tutoring. This can be arranged on a day and at a time that suits you.  The duration of the session will vary from one to perhaps 3 hours. These sessions include: competency in surfing the web with programs such as Internet Explorer, Word Processing skill development in Office programs and tutoring in email programs such as Outlook. Additionally, we will  assist you with any other questions along the way.
We offer our In-Home Support:
Monday            10:00am till 5:00pm
Tuesday           10:00am till 5:00pm
Wednesday      10:00am till 5:00pm
        Saturday          10:00am till 12:00pm
 Charges per hour
Minimum hours
1 hour
Weekly tutoring costs are negotiable.